The natural way for emotional healing
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Bach Remedies Personal Consultation

What is a Bach Remedies Personal Consultation?

Consultation with a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner (BFRP) will ensure that the healing process follows the Bach system recommended by Dr. Edward Bach. The purpose of the consultation session is to provide an opportunity for you to discuss the areas that you want to address in a supportive, non-judgmental and safe environment. During the session, BFRP will identify the emotional states which may have become out of balance.

After the discussion, a mixing bottle, which you have agreed on the remedies, will be mixed.

To book an appointment with an experience BFRP for consultation, simply call (6100 8687) or email us to arrange one.

How do I arrange for a Bach Remedies personal consultation?

You can call or email us to arrange one. Our Bach Foundation Registered practitioners have been using the remedies for over 10 years and experience with hundreds of consultation.